is a fuzzy delight. The three varieties vary in the sweet and tart balance but are equally exciting to the eyes and taste buds. They are packaged according to client request.
Total Organic ’ naturally grown dates offer a wonderful world of sweet flavors at any point in their ripeness cycle. Picked at a crunchy firmness of at the beginning of their ripeness, as they ripen at room temperature they become a soft explosion of sweet flavor. They are packaged according to client request.
table Grapes
Total organic naturally grown Guava is a powerhouse of nutrients. It has white and lots of small hard seeds enveloped in lusciously soft, sweet pulp. They are packaged according to client
Mandarin tasting
If it’s summer, then it’s the perfect time for total organic naturally grown mango. These mangoes, grown in Egyptian soil and under the Egyptian sun are grown pesticide free. Fifteen varieties of this mouthwatering fleshy fruit guarantee taste bud satisfaction. They are packaged according to client request.
Total organic naturally grown Nectarine is a fuzzy delight. The three varieties vary in the sweet and tart balance but are equally exciting to the eyes and taste buds. They are packaged according to client request.
Lower acid content than most orange varieties , easily peeled, excellent flavor, earliest maturing.
Total organic naturally grown Peach is a fuzzy delight. The three varieties vary in the sweet and tart balance but are equally exciting to the eyes and taste buds. They are packaged according to client request
Total organic naturally grown Plum
is a fuzzy delight. The three varieties vary in the sweet and tart balance but are equally exciting to the eyes and taste buds. They are packaged according to client request.
total organic ’ naturally grown pomegranates is an antioxidant and flavor explosion. Working through the peel of this ball of magic, is worth the precious pearls of deep red, crisp, and juicy kernels. They are packaged according to client request
We export Strawberries with the best quality
We always make sure that our products accordance with the European specifications.
We export Strawberries from our farms and from some suppliers and always make sure that our products are of the highest quality in order to maintain our reputation first and in order to satisfy our customers
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