Frozen Guava
Grade A
عرض 17–32 من أصل 48 نتيجة
Produced 100% from natural and pure corn without any other ingredients or food additives, Frozen Okra Zero/Excellent/One
Produced 100% from natural and pure corn without any other ingredients or food additives
Total organic offers the aromatic delight that is garlic. The intensely flavor packed lobes of fresh garlic are not only aromatic, they hold medicinal qualities as well. They are picked to ensure the finest quality and dried naturally to create it. Packaged according to client reque
Produced 100% from natural and pure corn without any other ingredients or food additives
Green Bean are the unripe, young fruit and protective pods of various cultivars of the common bean. and this snap bean is a fine offering from Total organic. Each one is crisp and firm, carrying a unique full flavor. The beans are naturally grown. They are packaged according to client request.
Total organic naturally grown Guava is a powerhouse of nutrients. It has white and lots of small hard seeds enveloped in lusciously soft, sweet pulp. They are packaged according to client
Produced 100% from natural and pure corn without any other ingredients or food additives
Produced 100% from natural and pure corn without any other ingredients or food additives
This hardy Lettuce leafy green is naturally grown in total organic’ soil. It is a particularly hydrating and fiber packed leafy green. Its crisp folds of leaves are heavenly. They are packaged according to client request
If it’s summer, then it’s the perfect time for total organic naturally grown mango. These mangoes, grown in Egyptian soil and under the Egyptian sun are grown pesticide free. Fifteen varieties of this mouthwatering fleshy fruit guarantee taste bud satisfaction. They are packaged according to client request.
Total organic naturally grown Nectarine is a fuzzy delight. The three varieties vary in the sweet and tart balance but are equally exciting to the eyes and taste buds. They are packaged according to client request.
Okra is rich in magnesium, folate, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins C, K1 and A. It may help support healthy pregnancy, heart health, blood sugar. it may even have anticancer properties
Total Organic naturally grown they come in Two varieties. Brown and Red are picked at the point of perfect ripeness. The pesticide free of prime quality and firmness are packaged fresh ,They are sweet and light because of the high water content. Egyptian onions have a delicate flavor of fresh.
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